macbook on brown wooden table
13 Jul, 2020

Taking a step on the dark side..

The Dark side is more of the theme of Chrome OS. I have not found the cookies yet. Still looking though.

I am a Windows IT Helpdesk anyalst for years and started working on the computers over 20 years ago, starting on Windows 3.1 and all the way to Windows 10. So yes I know the ins and outs of Windows from the desktop to servers.

Since Chromebooks came a couple of years ago I have been interested in getting them. Why? Mainly because of the cost of computers. I get the questions almost daily on a what cheap computer I would recommend. Well…. I always say with computers you get what you pay for, and well in most cases the answer is yes. With Chromebooks being so cheap are they actually worth more then the cost of them?

Let’s see. This is Day 1. Can I last 30 days on a Chromebook?

What do you do first? Checked out the tour just to see what it offered and what other users would see. So far so good and email is setup with the Outlook app, since it does work best with Office 365.

Still poking around with ChromeOS to see what it can offer. Have you tried it? Anything I should test out?

4 Nov, 2018

Why should you use your domain and not @Hotmail, @Gmail or any other free email service for your business

6 Simple reasons why you should use your domain for email

I am not sure about you but when you see a small business that does not user their website domain as their email address it grinds my gears. 

Why use free service?

Sure its is really easy just to setup a free email that looks like your business, or 

This way it also syncs with your devices, which is great because the typical emails that your get with hosting are Pop which means if you read the email on your phone it will not be read on your computer or Tablet. 

Why should you not use?

I have found some articles on why. 

1. @Gmail or @Yahoo Screams ‘Unprofessional!’

If your argument against a custom email address is that Gmail and Yahoo provide perfectly good free ones, consider this: if you were thinking about spending a fair amount of money with a company, which salesperson email would you feel more confident in: -Or-
Using free email addresses detracts from the value you want to offer your customers. They’re too busy trying to figure out why you didn’t spring for the nominal cost of a custom email address to actually buy from you. And since your competitors all use custom email addresses, that might be the single factor that sends business elsewhere.
You’re right in thinking that an email address shouldn’t validate your credibility, but it does, on some subconscious level. Make sure the impression that potential customers get of your brand isn’t marred by a free email address.

2. You Can Standardize Email Addresses

This is especially important as you grow your staff: when you have your own custom email address, you can use a format for all other email addresses. So maybe you use or first[initial] This provides consistency in your business, and customers can easily remember the formula for your company email addresses.
When you use free emails, you’re at the mercy of whatever usernames are still available. If your name is Stan Smith, good luck getting that email without adding all kinds of characters and numbers to the address, like!

Tips for Creating Your Custom Email Address
Start with a simple domain name. The shorter, the better. Make sure it’s easy to spell and pronounce.
Decide on a naming convention for all emails for your staff. Typically companies use:
Give each employee the ability to change their password and settings, but maintain administrative rights so that if they leaves the company you can still access and manage their email account.

3. When Someone Leaves Your Company, You Keep Control

What happens when your marketing manager leaves, taking her personal email with her? If she was using it to conduct business for your organization, you won’t be able to access those emails.
On the other hand, if you set up an account under her name, you can redirect those emails to go to your newly hired marketing manager. Or, you could create a generic email for certain roles, like so that the new hire just takes over management of that account. They would just need to change the display name to their own.

4. A Branded Email Does Your Marketing For You

Have you ever seen someone’s email address on a business card and looked up the website because you were curious? That doesn’t happen with free email addresses. But, if you use your domain in your website, you’re getting your brand in front of more eyeballs.

That email address should appear in each employee’s email signature, as well as on business cards and marketing materials. Every place you have that branded email address is one more opportunity to attract new business!

5. Memorability

Free email addresses are often long and confusing, and easy user names on these impersonal and generic domains, like@Hotmail and @Gmail are often already taken. In business, it is vital to create the right impression – you need an email address that is both unique and memorable. Using your own domain name makes it easy for others to email you and remember your website.

6. Most Importantly, Don’t Look Like a Spammer

Authentication is very important because of the amount of spam each of us receives from many free email service providers, such at Say you have a business named “Widgets For You” and have an email address “” How It would be very easy would it be for someone to fake being you by creating an email account “” Because those emails are free, they can be created by anyone. If you are a business, clients may not recognize as the same John Smith they order from. They may even think you’re a spammer.
20 Sep, 2014

St. George Barn Quilt Trail

Just in time for the Apple Harvest in St. George we are proud to launch the St. George Barn Quilt Trail’s website.

The St. George Barn Quilt community was looking for a website to help people find their awesome barn quilts.

The St George Barn Quilt Trail is the lasting legacy of the St George Bi-Centennial celebrations during 2014.  The preparation for the Trail began with an idea in July 2013!  In September 2013 Brant County 4-H Leaders, Edith Stone and Joan Crawford-Wehrstein lead a 4-H Club, Our Heritage-History-Barn Quilts.  During this Club, with the assistance of the South Dumfries Historical Society (Deborah Andre,Jung Choi,      Cliff Jones, David Simpson, David Thomson, Kelly Warner), providing the themes and general information and history the members designed 6 barn quilt blocks.  These blocks represented various aspects of the Villages 200 years.  The designs included:  apples, artesian well, early industry, lilies, railroad, and veterans.  The 2 foot by 2 foot painted designs were presented to the South Dumfries Historical Society and the St George Bi-Centennial Committee( Cliff Jones, Rodger Lyster, Willie Morley,    Tom Pate, Steve Schmitt, David Simpson,  David Thomson,  John Wehrstein, John Wheat,) at the Levee held on January 1st, 2014.

  • We customized the template
  • Created the logo

Check out St. George Barn Quilt Trail

1 Sep, 2014

Burford Township Museum

The Burford Historical Society wanted a more flexible and reliable website.  We put this website together for them to expand their reach and educate everyone about Burford Ontario.


BTHS is an agricultural museum.  Over the years the residents of Burford Township have gathered up and donated artifacts to the museum.  Last summer was spent rejuvenating the old Town Hall, and the next few months (or years) will be spent cataloging artifacts and archives.  Slowly we are bringing artifacts back onto public view.


Check out the Burford Historical Society’s Website

16 Mar, 2014

Welcome to ChipMonk

ChipMonk Logo

ChipMonk Computer Services offers both residential clients and small businesses a one stop solutions for all of their I.T. services and support needs. We make I.T. easy to understand and easy to manage. We are trained to the highest standards to ensure that our customers are always getting the the best quality support possible.

Services include:

  • Computer Repair
  • Technical Training
  • Web Sites
  • Installation

Find us in the social world

Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Google+

1 Oct, 2013

Savory Goldsmithing: Tableau

Steve is launching an awesome new product. He makes all of these pendants by hand; you can see the craftsmanship and love in each one.

These make great presents and are fully customizable. Check out his web site.

” Savory Goldsmithing is a family owned and operated business located in St. George, Ontario. Services provided by the on-site goldsmith include custom design, repair, hand-engraving and sales. ”  –  Savory Goldsmithing

6 Jul, 2013

Who M I Productions

Scott is a local video editor and photographer in the Brant county area. There is quite a range of content on his site.

Check him out here.


WARNING this is a artist’s website and some graphics may be tooo graphic for some.



6 Feb, 2012

Brant Youth Volleyball Club

I was on one of the first teams of this club and it was a blast. Now to help them out and the sport of Volleyball I work on their website.

Check them out here.


1998 – The first team in the Club was a mixture of boys from St. George-German and Paris District elementary schools.  These teams were the finalists in the County playoffs and boys from both teams were eager to keep playing.  We called the OVA to enquire about registering them for an OVA age group tournament only to be told that to play in OVA tournaments you had to enter as a Club.  The paperwork was filled out and the Brant Youth Volleyball Club was born!

1999 – The original boys were still interested in playing but had moved up to the Midget (U16) age group.  We recruited some grade 10 boys to supplement the original group to make us more competitive.  Realizing that we needed a younger team to feed the original group when the new grade 10 recruits moved up an age group, we also fielded a team at the bantam (U14) age group.  Now we had two boys’ teams of which none of our own children played on.  Our daughter was in grade seven at the time, so we decided that we should do a girls’ team as well.  Most of those original female players were from Sandy’s summertime fastball team.

2000 – This year marked our first foray onto the international stage.  That summer, Hamilton was hosting the International Children’s Games.  We applied for acceptance and were able to take nine female and nine male volleyball players.  The kids had a great time representing their country and getting a taste of competition at the international level.  Although we didn’t win many games, they took away great memories from the experience and an appreciation of the hard work and dedication required to succeed.  Many of these players went on to become leaders making a significant contribution to their high school teams.

2002 – Through the generosity and support of the Ontario Trillium Foundation, we established our house league program.  This program was developed to offer skill development to a younger age group and those interested in playing at a more recreational level than our competitive teams.

A personal highlight this year was when co-founder Sandy Beedham was recognized by the OVA with the Female Developmental Coach of the Year award.  This award is presented annually to two outstanding coaches (one female, one male) for their history in developing athletes/ teams within the OVA and for their contribution to the development of our sport in the province.

16 Jun, 2011

Sirius Paintball

They are one of Paintball’s most recent independent remote line maker.

Klairproducts came to Monkhouse Hosting looking for a new direction for their site. We worked closely with them to bring their web site that they had visioned in their mind.

Check out their site and let know what you think.


6 Feb, 2011

Cystic Fibrosis London Chapter

Cystic wanted to update their own website, check out how we helped.

“Cystic fibrosis  is the most common, fatal genetic disease affecting Canadian children and young adults. There is no cure for cystic fibrosis. Cystic fibrosis is a multi-organ disease, primarily affecting the lungs and digestive system. A build-up of thick mucus in the lungs causes severe breathing problems. It may be difficult to clear bacteria from the lungs, leading to cycles of infection and inflammation, which damage the delicate lung tissues.

Thick mucus also blocks the ducts of the pancreas, preventing enzymes from reaching the intestines to digest food. People with CF must consume a large amount of artificial enzymes (average 20 pills a day) with every meal and snack, to help digest and absorb adequate nutrition from food.

Cystic fibrosis is a very complex disease, but you will find plenty of information on this site to help answer your questions. ” – Cystic Fibrosis London